Thankful For!

Thankful For!

I was asked to say what I was Thankful for. So in pondering this I thought;

First; God’s love for me, my salvation through the Blood of Jesus,

my family, all of the people in my family, my beautiful gifts from God my children and grandchildren, my Church family.

My mind flooded with thoughts of how the Lord has been so very present in my life and the life of my children, and grandchildren. Miracle after miracle so many time the Lord was there helping, delivering, healing, leading, guiding, and LOVING.

But what I want to express, what I am most thankful for.

Thankful for;

God’s Faithfulness!

Always, every day, every night through thick or thin, I can always count on God being there for me.

A fact that is sad but true people, family, spouse, friends, and even your church body can and do let you down some times, things can take place where you may even get your feelings hurt. But not by the Hand of God, God, He is faithful!

The word says I am a new creature,

a new spirit man, created in Christ Jesus unto Good works.

Because of God’s faithfulness, I am a spiritual creature capable of faith; I have and am able to have Hope,

I am able to appreciate God’s love and beauty that surrounds me every day.

Because of God’s Faithfulness, His mercy being new every morning,

I have an unlimited source of strength and comfort at my disposal.

Because of Gods faithfulness each day I can take the time to cultivate this spiritual connection, my relationship with My Lord and my God.

Yes, I am thankful,

So very thankful I do not have to do this alone.

His word says; He will never leave me or for sake me,

Because God is so very faithful

I can say, from my heart to His;

Psalm 40:5

Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done,(for Me) and thy thoughts which are to us-ward (ME): they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than(I) can number.

Thankful for;

All you have done and do and will ever do in my life and my family’s life.

Indi Fratarcangelo  CPC

Covenant Blessed Ministries, 


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A Man/God Named Jesus

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