Paid In Full

Paid In Full  The Lord of Jubilee One Price, One Cross, One Death, One Burial, One Resurrection, Paid in Full One Healing, One Forgiveness of Sin, One Jubilee, One complete Debt Cancellation, One removal of Grief, One removal of Sorrow, One wounded for Transgressions, One Bruised for Iniquities, One Chastisement needed for peace, One New Birth, One Time For all… (more…)

Look Out For Fall-Out

Blessings to all my readers. Look Out for Fall-Out Today at church a word with a scripture was given, the Lord placed it on my heart to study it.  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let… (more…)

Why remove the Commandments

Why remove the Commandments To hide sin? Without the Commandments we would not know sin. But with the Commandments sin might appear sin. To discard the Commandments does not discard sin. Nor cover it up nor make it ok. Yes, we as Christians are under the Grace not the law. But all have sinned all fall short of The Glory.… (more…)

The Antidote To Fear

The Antidote to fear As paralyzing as fear can become as poisoning as fear can be and as devastating as fear is. You have the antidote. The Antidote to fear and the overcoming of fear is in “The Godhead” The Power of the Holy Spirit The Love of God the Father The Mind of Christ Jesus Indi Fratarcangelo CPC

Rejoice Praise Thank “Adonai”

For the word of Adonai is true Psalm 33   Rejoice in Adonai, you righteous! Praise is well-suited to the upright. 2 Give thanks to Adonai with the lyre, sing praises to him with a ten-stringed harp. 3 Sing to him a new song, make music at your best among shouts of joy. 4 For the word of Adonai is true, and all his… (more…)

“Our Heart” / “Our Feelings”

“Our Heart” / “Our Feelings” Issues of life and boundaries what comes in will in time come out. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” The heart of man is feelings emotions; to witch we are to guard. The renewing of the mind comes with in the guarding and keeping a watch… (more…)

Transformation through Grief

Transformation through Grief Grief, loss or unexpected results through a decision or something that you had absolutely no choice in. Being aware of this, not denying, discounting making excuses for, justifying, or covering something you cannot change. Awareness. Allowing yourself to experience the feelings as a result of this fact, brings in truth. When it comes to a time you… (more…)

Why sit and wait?

In Jeremiah 33 God talks of his covenant to His people. God’s covenant is eternal his promises are sure. In the midst of all God has done the people have turned from God in disobedient. Yet we see God’s love and faithfulness. The words “Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which… (more…)

The colors of Christmas

The colors of Christmas One afternoon in mid-December as I was driving home, the radio station started playing a very beautiful traditional old Christmas song. That expressed the beauty of a white Christmas, which the singer recalls oh so well. As I listened to this song I could remember this very performance on TV as a child, with all the Christmas… (more…)

God Never Changes

God Never Changes God never changes; as you look at the word change it reads to be different, alteration or modification. You may think of change as being one way and then changes our mind and the way you were thinking about something. Say one thing and then think and do something completely different. God is always consistent to His… (more…)

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