Totally awesome!When he teaches me, he also helps me realize and express why I feel or what I am feeling. That brings understanding and healing. You have not because you ask not. Ask your heavenly father to explain to you, and glory to God he does! Amen……. INDI FRATARCANGELOMaster Certified Life CoachLive your best life

Blessings This Beautiful Day

First I want to say; I am extremely thankful for all of God’s many blessings on my family and myself. All these many years His faithfulness and love shines above all else! I have been praying and spent some time thinking about all the things that are going on in this world of ours today. And there’s one sure thing… (more…)

January 21 2022

“LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE” WE are 21 days into 2022 Have you kept up your plans? Did you have a plain? Are you headed in the direction you intended? I would like to encourage you and walk next to you As you start to set a plan of action. We can do this together. For the next 21 days I… (more…)

A Servant, A Friend, A Child, and An Heir

A Servant, A Friend, A Child, and An Heir In scripture were called to be a servant of God and to serve God’s purpose. We are also called to no longer be called servant but friend. Then it also says that we are children of God by faith in Christ and if children then we are heirs, joint heir with… (more…)


For God so Loved; For God so Loved “You, Me” He gave His only begotten son to gain ALLback that the enemy took.    Success Lucifer was to be God’s top ranked angel, but turns out he was the dumbest of all! You can NOT beat God never ever. Indi Fratarcangelo Master Certified Life Coach Life Your Best Life

Thought…..Mental Activity

                                                 Thought ………. Mental Activity Make it a point to find people who are doing what you want to do. Study them and learn from what they did. Get around positive people as much as you can because more is in the seeing…… “experience than taught.” Philippians 3: 13-21 Indi Fratarcangelo Master Certified Life Coach

He Winked

He Winked Blessings to you reader. In pray and meditation I started thinking. All that is going on in the world now, it saddens me. I said in prayer Lord I read of all the mighty things that are in your word, things that were done in your name. I wonder with all the prayers going out for our nations,… (more…)

Think Out Of The Box

To trust God in a situation is to Let go, “think out of the box” and let Him do what he needs to do. There are times when you let go, give it to God but your mind is focused on what can and cannot be done don’t go there. Let go and let God work his wonders his miracles… (more…)

The Battle is the Lords The Victory is ours.

I believe I was led to this , and I would like to share it with you. I became a little discouraged maybe even disappointed. So in searching the scripture this is what I received. As believers we come to realize that the victory was won at the cross, and now we apply to live in light of that victory.… (more…)

My Gift to You

A Must Read Broken to be Whole In trying times it’s helpful to know that He is always there. To me everything seems to be full of turmoil, which is not God’s plan. I took a moment and read this over, it was helpful, I hope it helps you as it did me. We will rise above all this that… (more…)

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