My Gift to You

A Must Read

Broken to be Whole

In trying times it’s helpful to know that He is always there.

To me everything seems to be full of turmoil, which is not God’s plan.

I took a moment and read this over, it was helpful, I hope it helps you as it did me.

We will rise above all this that is going on, storms, hurricanes, forest fires,pandemic, and a very important election for president of the United States.

Please just keep praying, guys, God is here right here with us. Shalom!! Indi 🙂

“Chapter 10”

Broken To Be Whole
A Teacher / God Named Jesus
Chapter 10
Obedience, imagine that. One may say
I obey God I keep the commandments. But do
The bible tells you to humble yourself
and cast your cares over to Him because He
cares for you. Do you find yourself giving it
to God then taking it back time and time
again? Somehow it is ok; doesn’t everyone?
But the word tells us in many different places
not to. We are told not to worry, take no
thought, do not fear. It also says why not too,
He is with you, He will never leave you, The
Father loves you; He will give you what your
needs are, it even goes as far as to tell you
God will give you the desires of your heart.
So, if you are worrying and or fearful, are you
being obedient and trusting God?
We have talked about faith, and
without faith, it is impossible to please God.
So then trust and faith must go hand in hand.

You have to trust God will do it and have the
faith to put it into action.
Faith is the moving part that gets it
done. Walking in God’s will for you.
Let’s look at something the Lord
reviled to me. It was a big eye-opener for me.
Jesus said “Saying, Father, if thou be
willing, remove this cup from me:
nevertheless not my will, but thine, be
done. And there appeared an angel
unto him from heaven, strengthening
him. “(Luke 22: 42-43 KJV)
Jesus to the Father asks for God to
remove the cup placed before Him. Then says
not my will but yours be done. Ok so, you say
that is very obedient. Yes; but Jesus had to
trust that God would work this out for His
Please think about that it is so much
more than obeying it is casting in the entire
lot, life and death to trust His will over your
It is so very important to trust God
fully. Trust Him to fix your mess; He can and
does. Every time you take it back you are
telling God I got this better than you. Only not in those words.

You may say; that is easy for you to
say, you don’t know what I am going
through. I don’t, you are correct, but Jesus
does and cares. There is nothing you are
going through or have gone through, that
Jesus has not already experienced. When I
was walking through my own situation, I
learned this.
A past hurt came up, and I was
seeking help from the Lord. I was trying to
walk through this situation and get out from
under the water to land. I was reading First
Samuel 14 and said to the Lord, “So am I
Jonathan who disobeyed out of ignorance or
am I Saul, who was proud, thinking he was in
charge.” I sensed in my spirit keep reading.
Then I read in chapter 15 the last verse, And
Samuel came no more to see Saul until
the day of his death: nevertheless,
Samuel mourned for Saul: and
the LORD repented that he had made
Saul king over Israel.
Then it came to me YOU (God)
understand…AND I UNDERSTOOD.

Repented, the Lord repented. To
repent is to turn the other way. Don’t go that
way anymore turn, look the other way. Let go
give it to God.
God has in his word everything you
and I need and the Holy Spirit will guide and
show and help you. God didn’t have to do
anything. He knows all; I believe every word
in the bible was and is for your help. God
loves you that much. That is why you have to
take it to the Lord in prayer.
But we have to give it to God, ask him
to help us and accept, receive the help. I had
read that scripture before and never got that
from it, but that was my Rema word from the
Lord that brought peace to my spirit and joy
to my heart.
Trust by having Faith in God. He will
see to it.
So, to be obedient is to seek the will of
the Father, and the humbleness to follow His
way of doing it.
To; Trust, Seek, and have Faith.
Seeking first the kingdom of God will
bring you to trusting His way and believing

He will. That is the action in Faith that works
it out.
By doing it that way, you will receive
so much more blessings than you could
imagine, and out of the mess so much faster.
Faith is linked to what is TRUE. For
me, it is knowing the word the truth,
receiving the Love of Jesus, loving Him
because I know Him and trusting more as I
receive God’s word. Deeper, I am saying
deeper, Stretch in and reach deeper. You as a
born-again believer are a part of Christ’s
body, so then in you is the fullness of life.
Faith is not a fairy tale or a wish list, faith is
the reality that God has it. To be perfectly
honest, when I stop thinking of ways or how
God could do something, and I just trust Him
to deliver me. That is when it works.
Remember what was said to King
Nebuchadnezzar when he was going to cast
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the
burning fiery Furnace. And what the King
said to them. Before they were cast in
“worship this image which I have made, but
if not, you shall be cast into the fiery furnace,
and who is that God that shall deliver you out
of my hands?” In other words. Who do you
think can beat me he was arrogant and

Then after the Kings words change,
you are servants “of the most high God!” and
went on to say:
Blessed be the God of Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent His
angel and delivered His servants who
believed in, trusted in, and relied on Him!
But they were not going to worship
any other but the one true God. They knew
God they served was able. They never
questioned God on how to do it, if he
delivered them from the fire or not, God
would definitely deliver them out of the
Kings’ hands.
When a situation comes at you, you
can reach in the word to God and receive the
answer by reaching deeper in faith. How do
you do that? Let’s look at what the bible says
faith is, to be fully persuaded of something.
Example Abraham, you may want to
read Rom.4:17-22 also Rom. 8: 38, 39
You know what the definition of faith
in scripture is, Faith is the substance of things

hoped for, the assurance of things not seen.
But what does that actually mean?
It is more than placing confidence in
God, it is the absolute reliance and
dependence upon God’s word. How? Well;
by fully surrendering and being obedient,
trusting He will do what is best for you. As
you come to trust wholly in the faithfulness
of God, by taking one step at a time as it
increases going deeper and deeper.
Think of it this way; you believe, that
is the first step into faith. In order to get
where you want to be you continue step by
step till you receive the benefits. Now the
benefit may be different than what you were
thinking BUT always better. What do I mean?
You may be praying and believing on
something, the how and the when is all part
of the steps that get to your benefits. If God
did things just the way you think it should be,
you wouldn’t need any faith. More
importantly, He knows best, better than you
or I by far. That is all part of the steps into the
faith walk. Can you see the importance in not
only trusting but seeking His will and then
being willing and obedient to walk it out?
That faith pleases God.

You receive great joy deep within you.
You have Hope.
May the God of your hope so fill you
with all joy and peace in believing
[through the experience of your faith]
that by the power of the Holy Spirit you
may abound and be overflowing
(bubbling over) with hope. Romans 15:
13 Amplified Bible
Hope brings with it the fullness of joy
and you are in peace believing. Hope is not a
dream or fantasy. It is a specific instance that
a desire will be fulfilled. It is the foundation
for your future. Be optimistic be full of hope.
(Web Definition) Hope is essential to the
believer. It is not merely wishing, but solid
evidence grounded in the word of God
Knowing God cannot lie.
You have your faith walk receiving
your benefits, most important as a believer to
start, you have received salvation through
Christ Jesus, eternal life, access into the
throne room where you receive the grace you
need, when needed. The faithfulness of the
promises, the Holy Spirit, His righteousness,
son-ship as a child of God and answered
prayers. Do you know why? Because; you are

walking in His Righteousness!
Step by step.
Do I sometimes walk too fast and want
to get ahead of God? Oh yes, I did but guess
what, I had to start over because when I did it
is not faith. You have not surrendered all or
thought maybe God needs your help, that
takes you out of being humble trusting He
will do it. Good news He is loving patient
and forgiving, He looks at you in love and
smiles. That is all you need to know, you got
in the way. No long lectures. Just love.
One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work
together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called
according to his purpose.
A two-fold promise You may say well
“I love the Lord and I am called according to
His purpose. Keep me on the path you
designed and created just for me.” What does
that really mean? All the tears, the heartbreak
all the wrong choices all the many roads will
lead straight to Jesus when you trust Him and
ask for forgiveness. Then to stay in Gods
purpose you will need to walk in LOVE you
think before you act or react. You want to do

what God wants so you will need to ask
yourself, “Will that keep me in God’s perfect
love?” If not stop. Ask yourself will that take
me out of God’s plan for me. Viola, you are
walking in God’s purpose. 🙂 Your purpose is
to walk in love then the light will shine and
the roads you walk become much easier the
longer you walk. And the longer you walk in
love the less tired you will become. It isn’t
only our mess that He works out. This
scripture says ALL things work together for
your good. He actually works everything out
for your good no matter what, I don’t know
about you but that is pretty cool to me! He
says He will work it out for your good. For
those who love Him and are called for God’s
His will is always better.


Indi Fratarcangelo

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